Michael Emmer Journal Entry on Weimar 3 July 2010

Weimar Day 2

July 3rd  [2010]

Today I got up early to get my mind right for a very emotional day. I ate a good breakfast and got ready for a long day.

The concentration camp was not what I expected.  I was very emotional walking around.  The camp does not deal with culture too much.

After the camp visit, I went back and ordered a beer to calm myself.  I had a beer and burger at the hotel.  I watched the [soccer] match and got to see Germany beat-down Argentina.  After, I went swimming to clear my mind.  Today was just a very emotional day, but I am glad I went.  Weimar was a nice city comparable to Bayeux old and pretty but it’s too bad a dark cloud hangs above the city because of [the concentration camp] on the hill.

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